Universal Windows Platform - Complete Solution

Universal Windows Platform - Complete Solution

Bd Devs

This book covers both basic and intermediate level Universal Windows platform app development topics.

  • Published on 8 years ago
  • Pages 152
  • Downloaded 2.3k
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This book is focused on basic concepts of Universal Windows Platform for beginners, intermediates and college students. 
Table of Content
  • Universal Windows Platform: Package.appxmanifest
  • Universal Windows Platform: Extended Splash Screen
  • UWP: Page navigation and pass a complex object to a page
  • Universal Windows Platform: Command Bar
  • Universal Windows Platform: Data Binding
  • Universal Windows Platform: MVVM
  • Universal Windows Platform: Map Control
  • Universal Windows Platform: Azure Mobile Service
  • Universal Windows Platform: Http Client
  • Universal Windows Platform: Live tiles & Push Notification
  • Universal Windows Platform: Local Storage
  • Barcode Scanner Cross Platform App Using Cordova in Visual Studio 2015
  • Appendix 

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