About DataGridview run time column generation
Hai guys..
Please see this code...
DataGridViewColumn col26 = new DataGridViewColumn();
DataGridViewCell cel26= new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
col26.CellTemplate = cel26;
col26.HeaderText = "TDS";
col26.Name = "TDS";
col26.Visible = true;
col26.Width = 40;
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvEmployeeSalary.Rows)
if (row.Cells["Employee ID"].Value != null)
row.Cells["TDS"].Value = 0;
while running ,TDS named column is added to dgvEmployeeSalary.
So here my problem is while iam trying to change the item in combobox TDS row generated for 2 times..it depends on how many times iam changing the item in combobox,the tds count will be incremented.. can any one help me
Thanks & Regards