Dear experts I am sending mails in following way but when i use mail address other than gmail address in txtemail then it gets problem please give me one stop solution. in txtpass user have to give its correct password.
SmtpClient serverobj = new SmtpClient();
serverobj.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtemail.Text,txtepass.Text);
serverobj.Port = 25;
serverobj.Host = "";
serverobj.EnableSsl = true;
MailMessage msgobj = new MailMessage();
msgobj.From = new MailAddress(txtemail.Text, "Click On Following Link To confirm Registration", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
[email protected]");
msgobj.Subject = ("Confirm your registration");
msgobj.Body = "http://localhost:1330/activationpage.aspx?username=" + txtuname.Text;
msgobj.DeliveryNotificationOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure;
Response.Write("We have send a link on your mail please Confirm your registration by clicking on it");