Adding items to listview control (Data)
Good afternoon,
I am trying to add items to a list view from an external datasource via an ODBC connection. All of that is working fine. The question I have is ...
How can I set up the column headers in my list view ahead of time, then have the items I add in to the list view line up with the columns I have created?
I am using ODBC .NET to read the information from the external datasource.
I can successfully do a "while" loop to add all entries from the database in to the list view, I am just having a problem trying to figure out how to use columns. Is there a better way to do this?
Also, is there a way to use the with a DataGrid. Yes, I know there are many methods to use the DataGrid specifically with a DataSet (fill), etc. However, the ODBC connection I am using continues to fail anytime I try to fill a dataset.
Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
Thank you,