
Adding list of objects as data source to report viewer

Craig Davis

Craig Davis

How do you add a list of objects as data source to report viewer.  I've inherited a application- I need to modify - and I created a list of objects I'd like to add as a data set to a report.  This list of objects is a property of a "parent" object.  When I attempt to add a data set in report viewer of this list of objects, the list does not appear as an available dataset.  I can see the other properties - or list of objects of this parent object - as available datasets  but not the new property or list of objects I created. 
View of list of available datasets:
parentobject.list1(of child objects)
parentobject.list2(of child objects)
parentobject.listnew( of child objects) -not visible as available data set
 I tried to add a new data source to the project by selecting object as the source but I don't know how to access this new property of the parent object.  I didn't think I would have to add a new data source since the parent object already exists as a data source.  I simply added a new property (list of objects) to the existing object.