
Align of image and text in Rich Text Box control, options?

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Eli Peli

Eli Peli

Hi there,
I'm familiar with some WYSIWYG HTML editor and I thought to make similar solution for Win environment based on Rich Text Box controls VB.Net 2010. Thanks to some examples, advice and DIY I understand most of abilities of RTB control and how to deal with it but I can't reproduce solution where is possible to align to left a image inside RTB and to keep text align along whole height of images but image remain alone, with empty right space and text is bellow image. In TinyMCE, for example it is solved by Javascript and I thought that here is "just" a dirty trick to get working solution. Image layout known from Word "In line with text" isn't what I'm looking for. Is there some solution for that? Thank you for your valuable inputs.