
App not responding

Lisa M

Lisa M


I need some help how to get around this.  I made an app that cycles through a bunch of files and uploads videos to youtube and images to my server.  I have it coded so it shows an animated gif and a label that tells what file it's working on at the time.  Then it does the upload to youtube then the upoad to my server.

The second you click the button to start the process, the app shows "not responding".  It's doing the upload as I can  tell from the network activity, but it didn't show the animated gif nor did it update the label.  So it's like it hit the youtube upload part so fast it went into not responding before it even showed those 2 items.  Users will be uploading over 50 videos at a time, is there a way to not have it do the not responding thing?  And how can I get it to run the code to show the label and the gif?  Some kind of sleep timer?

Help would appreciated.

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