
Arraylist combogrouping



Aug 1 2006 3:16 AM
Halo to all..  Im new in C#..
Pls. Do help.. I have a problem on creating an array of array.. I have dis settings

comboport = 16 array;
combochannel = 81 array;

In 1 comboport there should be 81 combochannel. First i have to set da comboport into selected index, then select different channel.
And in 1 channel there should be desired combosensor and combooutput used.

first group.

i have dis code.. Selecting da ComboChannel used
private void comboIOChannel_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
IOChan = comboIOChannel.SelectedIndex;
comboIOSensor.SelectedIndex = IOSensor[IOChan];
comboOutput.SelectedIndex = IOOutput[IOChan];

Main group.... Selecting da comboport used.

private void comboPortIO_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
IOPortNumber = comboPort.SelectedIndex;
combochannel.selectedindex = IOChannelNo [IOPortNumber];

comboIOSensor.SelectedIndex = IOSensor[IOPortNumber];

comboOutput.SelectedIndex = IOOutput[IOPortNumber];

Now da problem is eveytime i select da comboport, da combosensor and combooutput is not changing on da selected items..
please do help and take a look of my codes.. any ideas Please..

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