
Ask about table in C#

John Scorta

John Scorta

I'm making a small game, but because I'm new to VS C# .NET, so I need help :) please look at this form: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/49JsG9IIMP9ByRsjSrxZFg?feat=directlink There's a table with rows, and columns. Two ( 2) button: Add Row and Add Column. How to do( how to code?): - when user click Add Row button, my program add one( 1) row, with the same height with other rows. - when user click Add Column button, add one column, with the same width. - In my program has an Array: a[r][c], r: number of row, c: number of column. Of course that r and c can not be greater than 500( or somethings like that, because I do not intend to show more than 200s rows or columns). When click on Cell at position row 10, column 4, that Cell will change color to black. And If user press a number-key, a[9][3]= that number. For example, in that pic I showed, it's 9. Should I use TableLayoutPanel, or other Control? Thanks!