
aspx with multiple forms posting ?

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Jackson Brown

Jackson Brown

Hello all,

I have an aspx page with two forms Form A & Form B.
Form B pretty much will never be posted but Form A will at times get populated with hidden values from javascript. It will then be submitted for server side processing (C#) and javascript will read the return value hidden fields and update the client.

Now I create several ActiveX object up initial page load and it occurs to me what will happen to them? Will the entire page reload thus destroying my XML object and datasource connection object?

In terms of what I want is this:
Page loads & has initial data.
Objects are created to tx, rx, & process xml to a third party server over an asynch TCP connection.
On rx of data we need to send to main server for processing (against data there) so we use second form with hidden fields to send data to our server.
Ideally we would want the server to process the data and ONLY populate the submitted form again. I do NOT want to redraw the entire page as doing so will look lame but also cause my objects to be destroyed then reloaded.

I am off to go experiment and see what happens but if any of you can provide information and or a better way to accomplish this task it would be greatly appreciated.


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