
Basic C# blackjack game

Jared Tracy

Jared Tracy

Sep 15 2008 12:16 AM
Hi, I'm new to C#...very new and am having tons of problems with my second project...we are to make a simple c# blackjack game and the rules are this:
  • Dealer draws two cards
  • User draws two cards
  • User can choose to hit (draw another card) or stay
  • If user chooses to hit, then the user draws another card
  • The dealer will draw another card if his point total is < 17
  • The winner is the closest to 21 points without going over
  • If both the user and dealer go over 21 points, there is no winner
  • If the user and dealer tie (for 21 points or less), the user wins
It is supposed to look like this:
Dealer has:
             ace of spades
             2 of hearts
Dealer Total:
You have:
Your Total:

Enter (h)it or (s)tay:
You Draw:
Dealer Draws:

Dealer Total
Your total


can anyone show me how to do this or give some help PLEASE!!!??

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