
Basic class usage question



I'm having difficulty calling a class method and making use of its return value. This code is in the main cs file:

SomeApp.Players SomeAppPlayer = new SomeApp.Players();

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
*** Error here:   txtLastName.Text = SomeAppPlayer.GetPlayer();

In another class file is this code:

// This is in another file.

namespace SomeApp

    public class Players
        public Player GetPlayer()
            Player player = new Player("SMITH");
            return (player);

    public class Player
        private string lastName;
        public string LastName
            get { return lastName; }
            set { lastName = value; }

        public Player(string lastName)
            LastName = lastName;


I've omitted some code for simplicity, but when I step thru the code, everything seems to work ok. The problem is when I attempt to assign the return value to the text property of a textbox. This is the error I receive: Cannot implicitly convert type SomeApp.Player to type string.

I'm new to C#, and any guidance would be appreciated.
Answers (3)