
Binding a single DataRow to form members

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leonid 0

leonid 0

Hi! I use a popup form to edit a single row of a DataTable. This is how i open the popup System.Data.DataRow oNewRow = oDataTableObject.NewRow(); oDataTableObject.Rows.Add(oNewRow); // Pass the row object to the constructor of the popup form MyForm oFrmDialog = new MyForm(oNewRow); oFrmDialog.ShowDialog(this); In the popup form i add some databindings. i.e.: //Note: oEditRow is the DataRow object passed over to the constructor //while instantiating the popup form Binding dbComment = new Binding("Text", oEditRow["comment"],"" ); dbComment.Format += new ConvertEventHandler(NullToEmptyString); dbComment.Parse += new ConvertEventHandler(EmptyStringToNull); this.txtComment.DataBindings.Add(dbComment ) And here is the Problem: When i edit the text box txtComment, any change i make is resetted when i leave the text box. In ecample i type in 'Foo Bar'. When the focus moves to another control, the conten of the text box is reset to en empty string. Thanks in advance Gernot