Need some help with an event. Im in the process of writing a program that sends data to a usb port for a motor controler. Im stuck in a situation where I want to pause the program using a button from within a for loop, evewrything I do I end up with this. Error 1 Operator '!' cannot be applied to operand of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
here is the code sample I have.
for (int stpnt = DataArray[1]; stpnt > DataArray[0]; stpnt--)
lblAddress.Text =
lblSndDta.Text =
pgbProgress.Value = 0;
btnPause.Text =
for (int x = 0; x < DataArray[2]; x++)
while (!btnPause)
// Insert the pause program button here
pgbProgress.Value = x;
btnPause.Text =
is there a way "besides creating a new event" that I can use the button within a for loop