
C# as opposed to XAML

asim mittal

asim mittal


I've been playing around with WPF lately, and its nice to use XAML. But XAML is helpful only when the layout is not yet done. It is, after all a markup language. What i want to achieve is loading an image when the window loads, creating a white border around that image, and showing the two on the main window.

I followed the tree structure that XAML uses, but somehow everytime i debug, nothing is visible on the form... why is this happening?

namespace Images_and_Borders
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
Grid grid = new Grid();
Image image = new Image();
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri("d:\\image.jpg"));
Border imageBorder = new Border();
double aspectRatio = 0;

image.Source = bitmap;
aspectRatio = image.Width / image.Height;
imageBorder.Height = 200;
imageBorder.Width = imageBorder.Height * aspectRatio;

imageBorder.Child = image;


As you can see i create a Grid, then an image, then a border and basically recreate the tree as it would have been done in XML  image ==child of ==> border == child of ==> grid

But when i run this, i get a blank window. I don't want to forcibly put controls on my window. Later on I'd like to make my own custom image class which would essentially contain a border and an image.  Any clues about why i'm not able to see it?

I'm obviously doing something wrong.

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