Hey all
I've got this dice game that i'm trying to make. It basically a dice version of golf. Each player rolls 3 dice until they roll a double. Each roll before the double is achieved counts as a stroke. Once a double is rolled i want the score for that hole to be displayed on the console.
At the moment im still working with notepad and the basic SDK command prompt as this is all i understand.
I've attempted some of the code so far but would really appreciate some help finishing it off (in simple terms if possible)
Thanks in advance!
using System;
namespace dicegame1
public static void Main()
Random ran = new Random();
int player1 = 0;
int player2 = 0;
int player1RoundScore = 0;
int player2RoundScore = 0;
bool player1RoundScore = false;
bool player2RoundScore = false;
int roundNumber = 1;
// Random dice rolling //
int diceOne = ran.Next(1,7);
int diceTwo = ran.Next(1,7);
int diceThree = ran.Next(1,7);
if (diceOne == diceTwo || diceTwo == diceThree || diceOne == diceThree)