
c# Loading Assemeblies with Specific Interface

David Smith

David Smith

Nov 3 2016 4:24 AM
I am trying to only add assemblies to list that implements the IPluginContract interface.
Is there a better way to do this logic below.

This is what I have so far. Is there a robust way to do this below

private static void LoadPlugins(IList<Assembly> assemblies)
DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(GetExtensionsDirectory());
FileInfo[] files = dInfo.GetFiles("*.dll");

if (files != null)
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
string[] fileArray = file.Name.Split('.');

if (fileArray != null)

IList<Assembly> copyAssemblies = assemblies;

foreach (var assembly in copyAssemblies.ToList())
foreach (var assemblyType in assembly.GetExportedTypes())
int index = assembly.GetExportedTypes().ToList().IndexOf(assemblyType);

var implementsInterface = typeof(IPluginContract).IsAssignableFrom(assemblyType) && assemblyType.IsClass;

//If class assembly does not have IPluginContract, remove assembly from list

if (!implementsInterface && !assemblyType.IsInterface)


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