
C# mp3 player on pocketpc



Nov 22 2004 7:59 AM
I am trying to make a mp3 player for the pocketPC i found a few windows classes and tried to convert them though sofar no luck. But now i found a QuartzTypeLib dll that contains functions for playing media files, i tried some basic code to play a mp3 but when i start debugging it the application crashes with an exception error after i used an openfiledialog, could this be by any chanche that I tried to use a windows specific dll file and copied that into the pda directory? Here is some code (i added a dll reference and it seems to work on windows). this class loads initializes QuartzTypeLib and attempts to play a file (mc.Run();) private void stream_init(string filename) { QuartzTypeLib.FilgraphManager graphManager = new QuartzTypeLib.FilgraphManager(); QuartzTypeLib.IMediaControl mc = (QuartzTypeLib.IMediaControl)graphManager; mc.RenderFile(filename); mc.Run(); }