I am writing an application in C# that connects to a database. I am using the SqlDataReader to get the results of my SQL commands. The problem is only one SqlData reader is allowed. I am using Microsoft SQL Server, which is what my web hosting provider uses.
I have tried MultipleActiveResultSets=true in the connection string with no luck.
Here is my code:
SqlConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection("Data Source=*********;Integrated Security=False;User ID=roadman1977;password=*******");
SqlCommand com2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM SiteUser WHERE Username = @Username", conn2);
com2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", txtUsername.Text);
SqlDataReader Read = com2.ExecuteReader();
SqlCommand com3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM SiteUser WHERE License = @License", conn2);
com3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", txtLicense.Text);
SqlDataReader Read3 = com3.ExecuteReader();