Ok I have two picture boxs I want to colldie. I have this code for it however I need to make this code into Pixel collision so they acutally collisde and not just the boxs around them.
private void pb_plane2_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (moveplane2)
pb_plane2.Top = pb_plane2.Top + (e.Y - currentY);
pb_plane2.Left = pb_plane2.Left + (e.X - currentX);
if (movingpic)
int plane1L, plane2L, plane1R, plane2R, plane1T, plane2T, plane1B, plane2B;
collis = true;
plane1T = pb_plane1.Top;
plane2T = pb_plane2.Top;
plane1B = pb_plane1.Top + pb_plane1.Height;
plane2B = pb_plane2.Top + pb_plane2.Height;
plane1L = pb_plane1.Left;
plane2L = pb_plane2.Left;
plane1R = pb_plane1.Left + pb_plane1.Width;
plane2R = pb_plane2.Left + pb_plane2.Width;
//check if there is a collision - collis = flase
if (plane1T > plane2B) collis = false;
if (plane1B < plane2T) collis = false;
if (plane1L > plane2R) collis = false;
if (plane1R < plane2L) collis = false;
if (collis)
//note: there is a lag time when this file plays and when the oops shows up
//taking out the sound file gets rid of the lag
tb_collision.Text = "OOPS!!!";
// sound clip
This code works just fine I just need to know how to code it from this to pixel so it colides with each plane and not the boxs around them :)