
C# winforms, How to persist Changes in my app.config?

raven daniel

raven daniel

Hi guys thanks for the time to help me out.
i got a Entity Framework datalayer, on a new project and im checking things out with it.
my starting form is a settings forms where you can type the server, datasource, Intergrated security (checkbox), username, password.
So the user may change this.
My issue was i couldn't make persisting changes to the connection string of my app.config, or more realistic not sure how.
I have only been successful in making changes to whats in memory as i debug my project.
my work around was to save values to text file in the project directory and just get those values and set them as my global verables so i can change the app.config in memory everytime i load the project.
///Declare my string builder
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
///Make my Connection String from my global verables.
 s.Append("metadata=res://*/Model1.csdl|res://*/Model1.ssdl|res://*/Model1.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=\";"
+ "data source=" + Program.g_s_Server + ";"
+ "initial catalog=" + Program.g_s_Datasource + ";"
+ "integrated security=True;"
+ "User ID =" + Program.g_s_Uid + ";"
+ "Password=" + Program.g_s_Pwd + ";"
+ "App=EntityFramework\";");
///Change my app.config
 XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

foreach (XmlElement xElement in XmlDoc.DocumentElement)
   if (xElement.Name == "connectionStrings")

      foreach (XmlNode xNode in xElement.ChildNodes)
         if (xNode.Attributes[0].Value == "MyEntities")
         xNode.Attributes[1].Value = s.ToString();
 //This is just to see the change when i debug
var connection =
So my Question is firstly most important now, how to persist the changes. Secondly should i use entity framework in my winform project as a datalayer or is there better?
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