Calling function in unmanaged library from c# returns an error
I hope someone will be able to help me solve this issue.
The following two functions are given from a DLL documentation. The DLL is an unmanaged library. The CCC_EventHandlerFunc is an eventhandler wich is registered using the CCC_RegisterEventHandler function.
long CCC_RegisterEventHandler( CCC_EventHandler handler, BYTE evmask, LONG param );
void CCC_EventHandlerFunc(WORD event_id, LPVOID data, LONG param);
My problem is, that when I call CCC_RegisterEventHandler the function doesn't return 0, which it should to indicate no errors.
Here is what I have so far (in c#):
1. Declared a delegate that matches the CCC_EventHandlerFunc
[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] <--- tried both with an without this line
public delegate void CCC_EventHandlerFunc(
UInt16 event_id,
IntPtr data,
Int32 param
2. Used DllImport to access CCC_RegisterEventHandler in the unmanaged library.
public static extern Int32 CCC_RegisterEventHandler(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] CCC_EventHandlerFunc handler,
byte evmask,
Int32 param
3. Made an instance of the delegate
private static CCC_EventHandlerFunc m_CCC_EventHandlerFunc = new CCC_EventHandlerFunc(Fnc_CCC_EventHandlerFunc);
4. When calling the sequence:
if (CCC_ProtocolSelect("pro:arq;cha:tcp;") != 0)
int version = CCC_ProtocolStartV(-1, -1);
Int32 res = CCC_RegisterEventHandler(m_CCC_EventHandlerFunc, 0, 0);
if (res != 0)
res ends up being nonzero which indicates that an error has occured.
Any suggestions are appreciated.