
can't access webservice on local machine but it wil wokr on same solution

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i am create one web service in my machine it when  i am adding webRefernce to the site it display
3 hyperlinks :
Browse to:
Web services in this solution
Web services on the local machine
Browse UDDI Servers on the local network
when  i cliked on webService in this solution it will display the all the methods available in my service fine
but when i clicked on 2ed link web services on the local Machine it can't display the methods and display the
following  message
Web Services on the Local Machine
The Web services and Discovery Documents available on your VS.NET developer machine are listed below. Click the service link to browse that service.
None - No Web services were found on the local computer.

what is the problem my system is local machine for me then what i will do to diplay that methods
2.my need is i will use this service in another project ...

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