
Challanging Exercise Checkboxlist item

Danish Habib

Danish Habib

I have a page where i have user with some information like name,email,District(from where he belongs),Tahsil,UC,Villages
The District,Tehsil,UC,Villages are cascade in nature means that the district have tehsils in it  and the tehsils have ucs in it and the ucs have villages in it  , When i  select the district checkboxlist item the tehsils will populates (associated with  that district) and when i select the Tehsils the UCs will populates and when i select the UCs the villages will populates 
I am saving these values into the table Having the userid as foreign key 

Like that 

I am saving these values into their separate table But When i am going to gridview edit I get many many rows when i am using join all these table to get the value from all  District tehsil ucs and villages 
AS my Records are associate so my data reader gets 144 rows If then it fetches rows one by one it  first iteration it gets DistrictId and then if in first row which data reader comes in it matches that value from the checkboxlist using for each loop and it this comes from datareader it makes this selected and pass this value to another funcation whcih  populates teh Tehsils based on this District id and this process goes narrow down to Villages so due to many rows and looping process my form never goes into edit mode and it end without showing result in edit mode please need assistance