charting scale labels - WinForm, VS2008 .NET3.5
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I have a simple chart, bind to a multiple columns datatable.
I use the X and Y int values of two selected columns from the table to get a square wave form, which works fine.
Chart1.Series["timeChart"].XValueMember = "time"; //int32 milliseconds.
Chart1.Series["timeChart"].YValueMember = "state"; //int32 1 or 0.
My problem:
The X scale shows automatic rounded values rather than the actual table points values.
I need to have the actual table values of each point rather than linear, rounded numbers.
(I have also tried the following, but it is the same)
Chart1.Series["timeChart"].XValueMember = table.Columns["time"].ToString();
Another, related question: How can I add values from same table, other column to the existing X-axis values? (To show both values' labels in two rows)