Happy New Year from a new guy here, who is hoping for a little help.
I have a web form, which after querying a database, displays a list of available PDF files in a DataList. The DataList items are links to the PDF documents in the file system, and the requested PDF document to be opened in a new page using System.IO.Filestream.
string filename1 = Request.QueryString["Doc_Name"].ToString(); string dir = filename1.Substring(3, 4); atring mth = filename1.Substring(7,2);
Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ContentType = @"application/pdf"; System.IO.FileStream myFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream((@"D:/" + dir + '/' + mth + '/' + filename1), System.IO.FileMode.Open); long FileSize = myFileStream.Length; byte[] Buffer = new byte[(int)FileSize]; myFileStream.Read(Buffer, 0, (int)FileSize); myFileStream.Close(); Response.BinaryWrite(Buffer); Response.Flush(); Response.End(); |
In some cases there may be a disconnect between the filename in the database and the file in the directory (like if someone accidentally deleted the target file). My question is, how can I build in a check to determine that the file actually exists before the FileStream, so that I can return an error message?