Classes and private methods....
The problem:
Create a class named Square that contains fi elds for area and
the length of a side and whose constructor requires a parameter
for the length of one side of a Square. Th e constructor
assigns its parameter to the length of the Square's side fi eld
and calls a private method that computes the area fi eld. Also
include read-only properties to get a Square's side and area.
Create a class named DemoSquares that instantiates an array
of ten Square objects with sides that have values of 1 through
10. Display the values for each Square
This is what I have done:
class Square
public double area;
public double sideLength;
Square(double length)
sideLength = length;
public double SquareSide
get { return sideLength; }
public double SquareArea
get { return area; }
private static void AreaMethod()
I cant figure out how to call private method... How can they ask questions when they never taught how to solve!