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I have few questions related to the CLR. The function CorBindToRuntimeEX is used to load the CLR.This funtion takes parameters like Verion of CLR The parameter for Default AppDomain. My Question is as follows. 1. The Mscoree.dll is used to host the CLR.This function is called by the mscoree.dll. What parameters does this function take by default. But if we want to change the parameter values how is that to be done coz the control is with the mscoree.dll. 2. When the CLR is loaded the CLR creates an Appdomain for your application and runs the Application in that AppDomain. What is the AppDomain name that the CLR creates. If we want our application to tun under a specific AppDomain Name then how do we tell the CLR that my Application has to run in this perticular AppDomain. 3. AppDomain is nothing but like a OS Process.But can you please tell me as to what is the difference between the two and what benifit does it provide