
CodeDom does not see the GAC

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I am writing a script compiler with the back end implemented with CodeDom. At the last stage I have generated a C# program based on my script. I am compiling the generated code with .Net CodeDom classes. The generated code contain referenced to assemblies with my library functions used by the script. So I add the reference to the assembly with compparams.ReferencedAssemblies.Add( "MyLibrary.dll" ); The problem happens when I do deployment. MyLibrary is in the GAC but CodeDom is not finding it. If I put a copy of the dll in the current working directory or into the .Net framework directory CodeDom finds the dll. It just does not get the dll from the GAC. Is there anyway to tell CodeDom 'search the GAC for your referenced dll' or is matter of naming the assembly correctly or something?

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