Sir, I am doing a ADO.NET Program at the moment.
In my form, there is form named frmTeacher.
I filled its table called tbl_Teacher using frmTeacher form.
there is another form called frmTeacherSearch.
this form is for viewing the data of tbl_teacher(using condition where employeeId=@employeeId)
this form has a combobox and a gridview.
this is my form:-
The purpose of this form:-
combobox: employeeId from tbl_Teacher to be filled in it on form_LoadEvent().
You can see i did the code for load the employeeId.
Now my need is to fill datagridview1 with the related data that I select in combobox.
i.e , when I select 1, datagridview1 to be filled the combobox selected index's employeeName,joiningDate and Designation.
please help me in this topic.