Compiling assembly with CodeDomProvider --> FindAll Method with predicate
I'm trying to compile a dynamic assembly from code
with the CodeDomProvider which contains a FindAll method on a list with Predicates.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ET.Common;
using ET.Deap.Common;
using ET.Deap.Common.Model;
public static class SearchAssembly
public static IList RunFilter(IList list)
return list.Cast().ToList().FindAll(x => (x.Id == 30) && (x.TestDataItems.ToList().Exists(y => y.Status == Status.CheckedTrue)));
this will always give me a compiler error
"CS1525" "Invalid expression term '>'"
why isnt it able to recognize my predicate?
what would be the easiest solution?