
Completely depressed,finding no solution,kindly advice

Rekha S K

Rekha S K


With the hope that i shall get proper advice writing here few words.
I completed BE in 2007(at the age of 26) tried a lot for job but failed. Took 6 yrs to complete BE. (Chemical)  With no interest in it. After completing BE i did some course in Software like i learnt c#,dot net but unfortunately no good institute where i stay and my parents cant afford to spend more again. Have no support of parents now.tried to find job to support myself but no use. All this failures has made me lose interest in everything. Now i don`t feel like doing anything as i have lost confidence in myself. A small success can lift my spirits but my life has become stagnant.  I need to earn atleast to support myself in future if i have to live. Failed one suicide attempt 5 yrs back .. How do i make my career??? I am losing interest and i have no time and age with me, now i am 30. Every minute i am living in hell.
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