
Complex DataBinding to DataGrid

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Hi guys I needed some quick help! I working on an object oriented project for my classes having a car rental system. I have lots of classes such as customer , reservation vehicle class and etc. I am loading all my data into my classes. such has if customers has 5 reservations all these 5 reservations are stored in an array of Reservation such as Reservation[] r1 = new Reservation[5]; and like that now if I want them to be displayed on a datagrid how do i do that cuz this does not work datagrid1.datsource = r1; or datagrid1.setDataBinding = r1 I have read the documentation but could not find anything what to do. I do know why it does not work. cuz because datagrid can be bind to sources only such as datatable view or dataset cuz they implement IList Interface. Does someone has any example of how to do this. cuz that would be cumbersome for me to defines all the mothods or even properties which this interface requires. does anyone has anylink to microsoft example or msdn which shows how to do that. or can tell if there is anyway out of this. can I not bind it to datagrid directly. If anyone knows any other way to do please tell but I have to use my classes some way or another cuz in the design part we came up with those classes and their methods and properties in building the system. Please can anyone help me how to do this.

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