Lemme explain wat i need to do, wat i have done and wat i need help with.
I am creating a windows application which would align controls in a grid format. each control should be resizeable and its size should be a multiple of predefined width and height.
this is what i have done so far. I have created a generic container(panel inherited) which would hold any control. I have implemented mousedown, mouseup, mousemove eventhandlers for the container. this container after adding the required control to it, is added to the main form window.
there are a couple of things i am having problems with.
1. there is a lot of flickering on the screen when i resize control (or infact the container of the control). I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a sample code.
2. I am also not sure if i need to convert the x-y coordinates of the mouse event handlers to some how relate x-y coordinates on the container so that i can have resize cursors when mouse moves over the edges of the container.
there may be a lot more coming up as i develop the application.
Thanks a bunch for your time.
Any help is appreciated.