Convert the following code to C# from Vb.Net
Are the following equivalent?
Vb -> sGMnvm = new string(Chr(0), 100);
C# -> sGMnvm = new string(Convert.ToChar(null), 100);
Vb -> if (Asc(Mid(sPhone, iString, 1)) > 57 | Asc(Mid(sPhone, iString, 1)) < 48)
C# -> if(Convert.ToChar(sPhone.Substring(iString,1))>15 || Convert.ToChar
Vb -> string sQ = Chr(34);
C# -> string sQ = " ";
Vb -> sGMnvm = new string(Chr(0), 100);
C# -> sGMnvm = new string(Convert.ToChar(null), 100);
Vb-> iBit = Asc(Mid(sLicFinal, iCount, 1));
iBit = 65 + 122 - iBit;
sBit = Chr(iBit);
C# -> Don't know how to get the Chr(iBit) part!
Vb -> iLicLen = Len(RTrim(sLicNo));
C# -> iLicLen = sLicNo.TrimEnd(null).Length;
Vb -> sNum = sNum + LTrim(Str(Asc(Mid(sLicNo, iCount, 1)) - 65));
C# -> sNum = sNum + (Convert.ToChar(sLicNo.Substring(iCount,1))-65);
What does Str do?
Vb -> sLicFinal = Left(sLicFinal, iLen);
C# -> sLicFinal = sLicFinal.Substring(sLicFinal.Length - iLen);
Vb-> sLicNo = Right(sLicFinal, iBit);
C# -> sLicNo = sLicFinal.Substring(sLicFinal.Length-iBit);
Vb -> if (iLen / 2 == Int(iLen / 2))
//truncates decimal???
C#-> if((iLen/2)== System.Decimal.Truncate(iLen/2))]
C# -> if (iEnd / 2 == int.Parse(iEnd/2))
// In place of Int(iEnd/2)
I would really appreciate if someone checked these to see if I made the conversions right and help me understand what is going on. Lot of the stuff I don't even know what it is doing for sure.
Thanks a lot.