Hey guys so I'm pretty new at C#. Right now I am trying to create a cornhole calculator (you know, the game where you throw bean bags into a hole). I have the GUI created and some of the coding done, but I can't figure out my current problem which is that my variable that adds up the Total Points for each team resets back to 0 every time. I'm not sure how to update it to where it keeps adding to the total score every time I add a new number in and click my "Add" button.
Anyways, here's my code that I have so far.
public MainPage()
private void addTeamPoints(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int oneAdd = int.Parse(teamOneAdd.Text);
int twoAdd = int.Parse(teamTwoAdd.Text);
int oneTotal = 0;
int twoTotal = 0;
if (oneAdd > 0)
oneTotal += oneAdd;
teamOnePoints.Text = oneTotal.ToString();
else if (twoAdd > 0)
twoTotal += twoAdd;
teamTwoPoints.Text = twoTotal.ToString();
string ex = "Enter a number higher than 0";
exception.Text = ex;
teamOneAdd.Text = "0";
teamTwoAdd.Text = "0";
So there's a Textbox that is automatically set to 0 and then you input a number in to change whichever team's total. There can't be a number higher than 0 in both boxes and both boxes can't be equal to zero. Then, after it updates the total score the box should change back to 0 so you can enter in a new number.
I am also trying to figure out how to not let the total equal over 21 and if it does then it resets the total back to 15 (because the team busted).