hello my friends i have a problem that i didnt solve yet
what my program is doing is to get some data on text boxes and comboboxes from the user
and calculating the voltage loss,short current, on an electric cable
i having an arrey of textboxes and buttons.
one line is loadind on form load and then i have an add more lines button
that way the user can calculate more then one line at the time.
please help me.
the add button method is
Dim i, number As Integer
number = InputBox("number of lines?")
' this is a calculate button
For i = 2 To number
Dim calculate(number) As Button
calculate(number) = New Button
calculate(number).Text = Button1.Text
calculate(number).Size = Button1.Size
calculate(number).Location = New Point(48, (i * 20 + 88) - 20)
i have the same thing for my textboxes 9 of then
how i create an on_click method for those virtual buttons
the original button on the form and the textboxes are working perfect
or how i copy the on_click method from the first button that workin on the form.
please help me
thank you