
Crystal Report In C# .Net

I want produce a report that the detail will print from left to right and if it is more than 1 line it will comtinue to second line example if have 6 detail it have to show Detail1 Detail2 Detail3 Detail4 Detail5 Detail6 - End of A4 Paper example if have 13 detail it have to show Detail1 Detail2 Detail3 Detail4 Detail5 Detail6 - End of A4 Paper Detail7 Detail8 Detail9 Detail10 Detail11 Detail12 - End of A4 Paper Detail13 - End of A4 Paper normallly the detail will print like this right Detail1 Detail2 Detail3 Detail4 Detail5 and so on how to get the deatail printid in the way in the top.. i know i can be done i have seen some app that is done in crystal report can do this. any sugesstion or any side that i get more info on crystal report thanks..