I am writing a program that reads in very large binary files. These files are often 1GB in size. The program is searching a directory and trying to read in multiple of these files. My server has 4GB of memory, so obviously, I need to release the memory once I am done with a file so I can move on. Otherwise, I hit my memory threshhold very quickly. My code looks like this:
DirectoryInfo dir =
new DirectoryInfo(mydir);
foreach (FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles("*.std"))
// Create a filestream for our new file.
FileStream fs = s.file_open(f.FullName); // calls a simple method that opens a filestream object.
// Determine the length of the filestream, and create the appropriate variables.
double tmp_length = fs.Length;
int length = (int)tmp_length;
byte[] byteArray = new byte[0];
string PART_TYP = null;
byteArray = new byte[length];
fs.Read(byteArray, 0, length);
for (int j=0; j<byteArray.Length; j++)
// Go do some stuff with this binary data...
So, my question is, after my for loop, how do I "clean up" the byteArray array. I've tried calling GC.Collect() and that has no effect. After a couple of files, VS throws an out of memory error and because the process is using all the RAM.
This is probably a really easy question, I've just never dealt with memory allocation before.
Any help would be VERY VERY much appreciated as I have been struggling with this for quite a while.
Thanks a lot!