Data successfully stored in database but no in dataset? Urgent
Hi all, Below is some of my code:
// DataConfig Class in a class file
class DataConfig
public DS_ETuition ds = new DS_ETuition();
public DS_ETuitionTableAdapters.tb_CourseTableAdapter daCourse = new E_Tuition.DS_ETuitionTableAdapters.tb_CourseTableAdapter();
// Course Class in another class file
class Course
public void saveCourse()
E_Tuition.DataConfig dataConfig = new E_Tuition.DataConfig();
System.Data.DataRow dsNewRow;
dsNewRow = dataConfig.ds.tb_Course.NewRow();
dsNewRow[0] = "1";
dsNewRow[1] = "Biology";
//Form Load Event
private void frmCourseRegistration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataConfig DataConfig = new DataConfig();
// Submit Course Button
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Course Course= new Course();
In frmCourseRegistration, i have a datagridview that binds with the dataset's table to let me check does the data has insert to the dataset. But after the submit button is click, i close and reload frmCourseRegistration form, the datagridview data is empty (means that the data is not fill into dataset i think) . Then i try to open my sql databse, the data is stois inside my database .So i wondering which part ofmy code goes wrong?
I think is the syntax "DataConfig DataConfig = new DataConfig(); " , making my dataset all became empty . Or i declare wrongly in DataConfig ? should be public static? Can anyone help tell me where i goes wrong?
Kind Regards,