
Database Query

Hema Vasavada

Hema Vasavada

Sep 1 2008 11:53 AM
If suppose I have one table Customers,fields Cus_Id as primary key,Cus_Name and Second table i.e., Orders table,Order_Id as primary key,Cus_Id reference to the Customers table,and Order_date.
Now my Question is that,I want to display the data like this:

Cus_Name     1996    1997    1998
Cus_1              8         5           1
Cus_2              5         3           2
Cus_3              4         0           4
Cus_4             11       25          0

And Year should be dynamically growable.
So I can judgement that,why Cus_4 has not been ordered in year 1998?
Suggestion is required........

Answers (2)