
datagrid checkbox,dialgobox and update

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hi everybody i have desgined windows application which uses datagrid binding with sql stored procedure and data is being retrieved but i have some problems and i hope u can help me: 1) i need to place checkboxs on one of the grid columns ,and if it is checked a dialog box opens asking user if he is sure , when yes the data of the row in which the checkbox is located is transfered to another table i.e , the datagrid is filled with employees data and whether they got their salary or not , i need a check box on the salary column ,when checked a dialog opens , when yes the whole data(row) of that employee is transfered to a predefined sql table called "salaried" ,..... if the user quires this emplyee data again, instead of check box in salary colum a text appears says salaried. 2) how can i prevent my program from hanging when doing query ( i know it is working) and how i can add a (cancel query button) that is not afected with that hanging state. is it multithreading or what ? sorry for that long post and thanks for ur time i hope i could find anserws