In my application, I am using DataList. In Item Template I added One GridView and SqlDataSource to populate data in GridView. DataList having one DataKey field, I want to pass this DataKey Value to the SqlDataSource as Parameter.
I tried this by Using Following:
<%--<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="LocatioID" DbType="Int32" />--%>
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="dlJobsByLocation" Name="LocatioID" PropertyName="DataKeys[0]" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="dataList" Name="ID" PropertyName="DataKeys[0]" />
In above snippet I hard coded Property Name to DataKeys[0], due to this it return DataKey value of first row only.
Here I need ProperyName which gives the DataKeys value for every row at the time of ItemDataBound. The Value 0 should be replaced with something thats where I stuck.......
Any Help Appreciated.........