Hi all,
First introduce myself. :-) My name is Pieter and relatively new here.
I'm writing an N Tier app.
GUI -> BLL -> DAL -> DAC -> DB
I've got a datatable created and when I test it in my consoleapplication TestApp, I can access the result of my method like it should be. :-)
However when I try to access it with a datagridview it does not work?
A little example:
Class person
Class Address
I want to see all the addresses of 1 certain person.
In Dal I have a method called -> public static Datatable GetAllAddressesFromPerson(int PersonID)
In BLL I have a method called -> public static Datatable GetAllAddressesFromPerson(int PersonID) which just calls the DAL
IN GUI on the form load I should get some code that populates the datagrid
Can not call the method.
DatagridviewAddresses = Datasource...
Datagridview refresh
Kind regards,