Hi , thanks to all for my previous question on data insertion error.
this time I have a problem with the format returned by toString() in windows forms;
This Sample code returns 01/01/0001 regardless of the data entered.
strInsert += t_ID.Text+", ";
strInsert += t_Dates.Text+")";
OleDbCommand inst = new OleDbCommand(strInsert,myConn) ;
//Execute the statement
inst.ExecuteNonQuery() ;
statusBar.Text="Data Added to Database " ;
//reset all the textboxes
int i=int.Parse(t_ID.Text);
DateTime ddt = new DateTime();
t_ID.Text=i.ToString() ;
// this format the same as shortDateTime.tostring()
t_Dates.Text = ddt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
statusBar.Text="Connected - Now you can Add records";
myConn.Close() ;