
Date of birth and wedding date should not be the same.

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narasiman rao

narasiman rao

 i am doing a project in asp.net  with csharp,in that design page as follows;

 Name     textbox1
 DOB      textbox2(calendar image) when i calendar image in that calendar which date is selected that date is diplayed in the textbox2)
Mobile    textbox3
Wedding   textbox4(calendar image) when i calendar image in that calendar which date is selected that date is diplayed in the textbox4)
Email     textbox5

And one insert button.

when i click the insert button suppose user choose both DOB and Wedding Date be the same that time message displays DOB and Wedding date should not be the same.

Date of birth and wedding date should not be the same.how to validate.

for that validation how to do in asp.net with csharp.

please help me.please give the code.

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