Hi All, has anyone had any problems with DatetimePicker for windows and C#.
I have a program with MS Access DB and two fields ID and Date.
Id is a number non auto increment and primary key.
Date Short date.
The ID field increments by 1 to create a new record in my program.
If I use a text box for date everything works fine.
If I use a DateTimePicker it cause the ID to keep incrementing by 1 as if a continuing loop without even using the save button to update DB.
Sample Code.
protected void saveClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//code to save the inputed data in to the database
//no code to validate the data implemented
string strConn="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ;Data Source=Dates.mdb" ;
OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection(strConn) ;
//the string to get values from the textboxes and form an "INSERT INTO"
// statement.
string strInsert = "INSERT INTO fDate (ID, firstDate) VALUES ( ";
//NOTE for integers do not have apostrophe (') in the string text
strInsert += t_ID.Text+", ";
System.DateTime ddt = DateTime.Parse(DTP1.Text,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-AU").DateTimeFormat);
string sNow = "";
sNow = ddt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
DTP1.Text = '#'+sNow+'#';
strInsert += "CDate("+DTP1.Text+')'+")";
OleDbCommand inst = new OleDbCommand(strInsert,myConn) ;
//Execute the statement
inst.ExecuteNonQuery() ;
statusBar.Text="Data Added to Database " ;
//reset all the textboxes
int i=int.Parse(t_ID.Text);
DTP1.Text = "";
statusBar.Text="Connected - Now you can Add records";
myConn.Close() ;
MessageBox.Show("All fields must be completed.", "Error");
catch(Exception ed)
MessageBox.Show("Error in Saving "+ed.ToString(), "Error");
Any clues