
Determining FV from inputs and then display in listview

Tuan Lam

Tuan Lam

    Hi Everybody!

I've trying to create a simple calculator for users to determine Future Value. I'm using a combination of textboxes, combo boxes and eventually want to calculate FV to have it displayed in a listview. Below is my criteria that I'm trying to meet and also is my code that I've tried to implement.  After users have entered and selected the proper information. I'm using a button as a click event procedure that will determine the FV. This is my first time trying to implement a C# sharp project of this size as I'm currently still learning as I go along. I hope that someone out there can help with my coding so that I can learn how to achieve the requirements below.

1) Use a combobox to specify annual rate (0.05 to 0.12 with an increment of 0.01) or be able to enter other rates as well.

2) Use a comobox to specify the number of periods per year  (1, 4, 12, 365)

3) Be able to enter in textboxes values for first year, last year, and amount.

4.) Use FV function to calculate given inputs and display FV in a listview

What I'm having trouble most is calculating FV and getting the info to display correctly in the listview. I'm getting conversion errors of string to integer errors. I know for sure that I may have declared the variables inncorrectly. I would greatly appreciate assistance in helping my learning process to understanding how to implement this project correctly.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Trial1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void btnCompute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double amount;
            double firstYear;
            double lastYear;
            decimal annualRate;
            double period;
            double life;
            double futureValue;
            ListViewItem row;

            amount = int.Parse(txtAmt.Text);
            firstYear = int.Parse(txtFirst.Text);
            lastYear = int.Parse(txtLast.Text);
            annualRate = double.Parse(cboRate.SelectedItem);
            life= double.Parse(cboPer.SelectedItem);


            for (period = 1; life <= 365; )
                FV= futureValue;
                row = lvwFV.Items.Add(life);


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