Display Next row in a Gridview
I have developed a web page which contains a "textbox", a "gridview" and a "button".
Hitting the "button" causes the "gridview" to diplay a row from the "employee" table whose "employee id" will be taken from them "textbox" as input.
Now i want to add another button called as "next" to the page.
Hitting "next" button should make "gridview" to display a record(row) which is next to the present displaying row.
Assume I have two records one with id "03G71A0203" and another with id "03B72A0510" in a table one after the other.
I have make the gridview to display records of 03G71A0203 by giving the input from text box.
Here comes my requirement after displaying the above record if i hit the "Next" button the grid view should display the record with id 03B71A0410 i.e. next row in that table.
Help appreciated