Faculty table structure as follows
Facid bigint
Facname varchar
Faculty table records as follows
Facid Facname
1 G Sekar
2 R Kumar
3 S Janka
4 R Rajesh
5 V Gopi
Bthfac table structure as follows
Bthid bigint
Bfid bigint
Facid varchar
Bthfac table records as follows
Bthid Bfid Facid
1 1 1,3,5
2 2 2,4,5
3 3 3,4
4 4 1,2,5
5 5 2,3
In run mode as follows
Month Dropdownlist
Year Dropdownlist
Facid Dropdwonlist (Facid is to retrieved from the Btfac table)
Example as follows
Facid 1,3,5 (Dropdownlist)
when i click the dropdownlist i want to show the respective facname in the label.
i want the output as follows
Facid 1,3,5 (Dropdwonlist)
G Sekar
R Kumar
V Gopi
for that how can i do using c sharp.
Note it is web application.